She Lives Resilient - Regulate Emotions, Frustration, Calm Down, Biblical Encouragement, Anger

*** TOP 10% Globally Ranked Podcast *** Hey, I’m Misty. A mom of 4 (from 4-17), wife, and lover of all things Jesus and the Bible. For YEARS I tried to find peace and calm in the midst of my chaotic life... both internally and creating it in my home. I created ALL THE STRUCTURE in my home,the most elaborate schedules, read multiple books thinking I just needed to be more, invested in counselors, holistic living, and spent most of my days trying to control everyone around me. All of this left me feeling angry, frustrated, overwhelmed and sad at the harm it had caused in my relationships with my children, my husband and God. I knew I could never be and do enough. I finally realized that if I was going to experience the peace and calm I read about in God’s word, that I needed to know what true emotional stability looked like, I needed to know what the bible said about emotions, and I needed to partner with God in all of it. I knew I couldn’t afford to let the world tell me what my emotions should look like and how I should handle them. Using years of Christian ministry leadership training, self-coaching tools, deep connection with God and the Bible itself, I created a method that helps me be intentional and effective in this area of my life. The Lord and I have never been closer and He has walked me through so much healing and growth using the method I created. Doing this work has been life changing and I’m excited to share it with you! If you are ready to control your emotions instead of them controlling you… Have peace in all areas of your life, even in the midst of turmoil… Have simple tactical tools to help you do all of that rooted in the Bible itself… Results that are undeniable like closer relationships with your loved ones, feeling more level and consistent, and deep trust and confidence in God - this podcast is for you! Grab yourself that sneaky snack and let’s dive in! We’re creating Christ-centered legacies. You and your family will never be the same. Next Steps: Coach 1:1 with Me: Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Visit the Website: Email Us:

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Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

In this episode, I'll be talking about navigating the feelings of anger and frustration as a believer and the grace, power and authority that Jesus gives. We talk about the relationship between anger, bitterness, guilt, and not trusting God, how it may be affecting our families, parenting and marriage, and what we can do about it. 
In this important episode I share:
3 important elements about anger and frustration that you may not be aware of.
Bible verses about anger and what these scriptures mean for you as a modern Christian woman.
1  simple self-coaching exercise to figure out where anger is keeping you feeling stuck.
Mental health (thought life), emotional health, Physical health (tracking your cycle and how hormone imbalance could be involved) and how they may be affecting your emotions and stalling your spiritual growth.
My story in dealing with PMDD and the emotional ups and downs it caused until I learned to manage it with Christian life coaching tools and natural supplements. 
Areas that may be causing, hiding, or perpetuating anger.
This is a beautifully full episode full of God’s grace, biblical truth and practical wisdom for everyday Christian women who don’t want to be an angry mom any more!
Grab a notebook and something to write with and let's dig in!
Coram Deo,Misty
Bible Verses Mentioned:
Ephesians 4:1, 31
Colossians 3:1-4
Reflection Questions:
Think about the relationship between anger and control. Do you navigate toward control?
What areas or situations do I find anger bubbling under the surface?
Why might anger be showing up?
When your viewpoint is being threatened (or questioned) do you go to anger?
Why do you think that is?
What opportunity might God have for you to trust Him on a new level?
Links Mentioned:
Work With Me:
Know you're ready to work with me as a coach?
Coaching interest form:
Free Growth Tools:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

In this episode, I'll be talking about what emotional health is and how it intersects with our daily life as bible believing women of God. In this important episode I share:
9 things that Christians do that you may not realize grow us emotionally and spiritually in Christ. 
14+ ideas and ways you can make your emotional health a priority even if you're short on time. 
Why you should be prioritizing your emotional health.
The importance of things like, worship, gratitude, prayer, repentance, journaling, meditating on scripture, biblical declarations, and rest have on our emotional stability and MUCH MORE! 
This is a loaded practical episode full of applying the bible to every day Christian living in the busy seasons of managing your home, raising children, ministry work, pursuing your purpose and doing it all for God's honor and glory!
Grab a notebook and something to write with and let's dig in!
Coram Deo,Misty
Links Mentioned:
Work With Me:
Know you're ready to work with me as a coach?
Coaching interest form:
Free Growth Tools:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Monday Aug 28, 2023

In today’s episode, I’ll be talking about how to navigate the hard emotions brought on by back to school and seasons of transition in a healthy way. The subject of this episode is a very personal one to me as I share my own story and current journey. I'll discuss 5 common emotions that are involved with seasons of change like this and provide scripture verses I cling to in times like this and reflection questions to guide you to God’s truth and hearing God's voice.
This morning, as I sit with my bible and coffee, I reflect on so many of the feelings this day brings... joy, sadness, excitement, fear, hope and even dread.
Today, this mama feels anxious and sad. These feelings grow in intensity as I watch my son get ready for his first day of public high school. This is a huge transition for our once homeschooling family.
I can’t help but wonder if my husband and I have done enough to equip our son for this new chapter. Guilt, condemnation and fear can easily creep in, but I quickly remind myself the TRUTH and where my help comes from.
Parenting is hard and watching my boys grow up can be heartbreaking! But it's good... growing pains. I'm sure you can relate! Let’s dive in and meet with the Lord together in today's episode.
Coram Deo,
Bible Verses Mentioned: 
2 Timothy 1:7 
Romans 8:1 
Romans 8:28 
Reflection Questions: 
What transition are you in that feels hard right now? 
Are you indulging in confusion and falling under guilt and condemnation?
Where might I be projecting my own insecurities and fears?
Links Mentioned:
Work With Me:
Know you're ready to work with me as a coach?
Coaching interest form:
Next Steps:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email Us:

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023

In today's episode, I'll be sharing a powerful bible verse and simple journaling exercise to help you navigate overwhelm and process through feeling stressed. God's word is the only Truth and this is a simple way to apply the bible to your everyday life as a busy faith-led woman. 
This is a quick, hands-on episode so make sure you tune in to add this tool to your tool belt as you purpose to grow in Christ and be intentional with your spiritual growth. Replacing lies with truth enables you to be the wife who builds her home on Jesus. We'll talk about the beauty of renewing your mind on biblical truth and learn to process emotions in a safe, God-centered manner with this fun self-coaching exercise. 
Grab a journal or piece of paper and let's dive in and meet with the Lord together!
Coram Deo,Misty
Links/Information Mentioned:
My Remarkable Thoughts - Thought Renewal Action Plan
Reflection questions:
What do you notice about the verse?
What specifically feels overwhelming in your life right now? write it out. 
What could it look like for you to “cry to God”?
prayer? journaling? pouring your heart out. How can you quit holding things in and let it go?
What could it look like for God to “lead you to the rock that is higher than you”?
End with a prayer of Thanksgiving. Feel free to write this down.
Next Steps:FREE Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Work With Me:
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
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Monday Aug 14, 2023

In today's episode, we'll be tackling the 4 simple steps to regulate emotions in a healthy, God-centered way. We chat all about why processing emotions as a busy Christian mom looks different than someone who doesn't have Jesus and how scripture, bible application and Christian Life Coaching tools all play into this. This is a juicy overview, so don't miss out on using your emotions for God's glory as you grow spiritually and emotionally in Christ. Whether you realize you're modeling this for your family or not, this episode can help you grow your relationship with God in new ways too.
Having healthy emotions can change the future of your Christian family, especially if you grew up in a broken home or suffered trauma early in life and didn't know what a healthy family looked like. We can glorify God with our emotions and regulate using bible verses, reflection, and prayer. Let's dive in and see what God has for us!Coram Deo,Misty
Next Steps:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Work With Me:
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
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Sunday Aug 13, 2023

In this Trailer episode, you'll learn the heart behind the She Lives Resilient Podcast. My greatest desire is to teach you how to apply the bible to your busy life and utilize God's truth in new ways as you grow through really hard seasons. 
It's the place where your spiritual growth and emotional health collide as we trust God in amazing ways, learn where He may be calling us to grow and heal, and build a resilient life on the foundation of the bible. I can't wait to see what God does as we step out in God-sized confidence and expectation for what He will do as you continually find hope in Jesus and the truth of God's word. Coram Deo,Misty
Next Steps:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Coach 1:1 with Me:
Visit the Website:
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