She Lives Resilient - Regulate Emotions, Frustration, Calm Down, Biblical Encouragement, Anger

*** TOP 10% Globally Ranked Podcast *** Hey, I’m Misty. A mom of 4 (from 4-17), wife, and lover of all things Jesus and the Bible. For YEARS I tried to find peace and calm in the midst of my chaotic life... both internally and creating it in my home. I created ALL THE STRUCTURE in my home,the most elaborate schedules, read multiple books thinking I just needed to be more, invested in counselors, holistic living, and spent most of my days trying to control everyone around me. All of this left me feeling angry, frustrated, overwhelmed and sad at the harm it had caused in my relationships with my children, my husband and God. I knew I could never be and do enough. I finally realized that if I was going to experience the peace and calm I read about in God’s word, that I needed to know what true emotional stability looked like, I needed to know what the bible said about emotions, and I needed to partner with God in all of it. I knew I couldn’t afford to let the world tell me what my emotions should look like and how I should handle them. Using years of Christian ministry leadership training, self-coaching tools, deep connection with God and the Bible itself, I created a method that helps me be intentional and effective in this area of my life. The Lord and I have never been closer and He has walked me through so much healing and growth using the method I created. Doing this work has been life changing and I’m excited to share it with you! If you are ready to control your emotions instead of them controlling you… Have peace in all areas of your life, even in the midst of turmoil… Have simple tactical tools to help you do all of that rooted in the Bible itself… Results that are undeniable like closer relationships with your loved ones, feeling more level and consistent, and deep trust and confidence in God - this podcast is for you! Grab yourself that sneaky snack and let’s dive in! We’re creating Christ-centered legacies. You and your family will never be the same. Next Steps: Coach 1:1 with Me: Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Visit the Website: Email Us:

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Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Hey hey!
In today’s podcast episode, we unpack the challenges hindering the practice of self-care for Christian women through the lens of faith-based wellness. We chat about the relationship between your physical health, mental health, spiritual health,  spiritual renewal and emotional healing, we delve into the obstacles faced by women pursuing biblical self-care. 
We discuss 5 reasons why prioritizing self-care, including Sabbath rest, can be hard. Through practical insights rooted in the truth of the Bible, we unravel grace-filled self-care strategies that empower women to overcome these challenges, fostering a holistic approach to well-being that aligns with God's truth. Join us as we navigate these reasons, offering encouragement and guidance for a self-care routine grounded in faith in Christ, biblical truth, and spiritual nourishment.
In this episode I share:
5 Common reasons Christian women struggle to prioritize self-care
What self-confidence as a believer has to do with self-care
Self-worth and what God says about value.
Avoiding being selfish.
Evolving your self-care practice for the season you’re in. 
Grab your Bible and a journal and let's dig in! 
Coram Deo,Misty
Evaluate and listen to the way you talk to yourself and how you care for yourself.
What are you modeling for those around you? How well are you “valuing what God values”?
🍁 Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts 🍁 :👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 APPLY to work with me: Links:Work With Me:🧠 FREE Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
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Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

Hey hey!
Today we’re talking about seasons of refreshment and renewal. It is important to know how to find true refreshment in Christ in the midst of busy mom seasons and hard ones alike. Renewal begins in our minds and flows out into our everyday life and has everything to do with learning to apply the bible to everyday life. 
Join us in part 3 of this 3 part series on being renewed in Christ and finding refreshment in God through the truth of the Bible. 
In this episode I share:
What are “lies women believe”?
How can I renew my mind in Christ?
Biblical truths and bible verses about your identity in Christ. 
What the bible says about feeling shame, rejection, inadequacy, abandonment, worthless, alone, too much, not enough etc.
What is a stronghold? What you can do about it and what God’s word says. 
Having a truly biblical mindset in life as a busy mom, Christian wife, or even Christian business owner and Christian entrepreneur. 
TONS of scripture reading in this episode speaking truth over YOU, a beloved daughter of the King. 
What are Christian affirmations, biblical declarations, and Christian “I am” statements and are they biblical?
Want to answer the question, Who am I in Christ? This is the episode for you!
Grab your Bible and a journal and let's dig in! 
Coram Deo,Misty
Reflection Questions :
What could “having the mind of Christ” look like for me?
What could it mean for me to “set my mind on things above”?
What lies am I believing? Where is this coming up in my daily life?
What truth do I feel God calling me to set my mind and heart on?
What is one thing that needs to change?
What resources can I pursue to grow in this? Is it a person, a pastor, a Christian life coach, counselor, Christ-loving friend, small group etc. 
What is one small step or thing I can do TODAY to be intentional about this?
God’s word combats lies like feeling shame, rejection, inadequacy, abandonment, worthless, alone, too much, not enough etc. 
failure to take your thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and choose to live GODS truths can lead to strongholds being developed or perpetuated. 
We all have strongholds, many come from the way we were raised. As a born-again believer in Christ, you have the opportunity to walk free of the lies that come against who God says you are and against who God wants to be to you. 
You get to decide if the way you’re currently operating and responding in your relationships is what you want or not. It is not easy to rewrite these responses (habits) but it is absolutely possible as you renew your mind in truth and train your mind to believe God’s truth vs. your own. 
You have power and authority in Christ to break any stronghold, you just need to be intentional, consistent and aware of them and how the enemy desires to sidetrack you in your life.
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 APPLY to work with me:🍁 Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts 🍁 : Links:Work With Me:🧠 FREE Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

Hey hey!
Today we’re talking about seasons of refreshment and renewal. It is important to know how to find true refreshment in Christ in the midst of busy mom seasons and hard ones alike. Renewal begins in our minds and flows out into our everyday life and has everything to do with learning to apply the bible to every day life. 
Join us in part 2 of this 3 part series on being renewed in Christ and finding refreshment in God through the truth of the Bible. 
In this episode I share:
The dangers of the heart, following your heart, and “your truth” as a modern Christian.
What does having the mind of Christ mean?
What the scripture says about the mind and its relationship to the heart of a believer.
A simple mind map & self-coaching tool to help you learn to regulate emotions and related thoughts. 
Grab your Bible and a journal and let's dig in! 
Coram Deo,Misty
Bible Verses Mentioned:
Proverbs 3:5-8
Ephesians 4:22
Reflection Questions :
What is your most apparent emotion right now?
What thoughts come up with regard to the emotion and season you’re in?
Links Mentioned:
🍁 Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts 🍁 :
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 APPLY to work with me: With Me:
Free Growth Tools:🧠 FREE Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

Hey hey!
Today we’re talking about seasons of refreshment and renewal. It is important to know how to find true refreshment in Christ in the midst of busy mom seasons and hard ones alike. Renewal begins in our minds and flows out into our everyday life and has everything to do with learning to apply the bible to life. 
Join us in the first part of this 3 part series on being renewed in Christ and finding refreshment in God through the truth of the Bible. 
In this episode we discuss:
The dangers of the heart, following your heart, and “your truth” as a modern Christian
What does having the mind of Christ mean?
How do I set my mind on things above?
How could my broken childhood affect how I view God?
What does my thoughtlife have to do with my belief in God?
Grab your Bible and a journal and let's dig in! 
Coram Deo,Misty
Bible Verses Mentioned:
Ephesians 4:17-24
Colossians 3:1
Reflection Questions:
What do you envision refreshment looking like for you?
What would refreshment enable you to do?
What is most challenging in your season?
Where do you believe God is calling you to refreshment in Him?
What is one small step you can take toward that refreshment?
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 APPLY to work with me: With Me:
Free Growth Tools:🧠 FREE Remarkable Thought Renewal Action Plan:www.myremarkablethoughts.comFree 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts :
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

Hey hey!
Today we’re talking about hard seasons in marriage and what it looks like to surrender not only your husband, but yourself to the Lords. We hit on the importance of humility and learning to be humble and Christ-like, loving your husband the way God does.
We discuss rightly dealing with hurt, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness and anger in your marriage so that broken marriages can be restored for God’s glory and so your children have a good example of what a healthy marriage looks like. 
In this important episode we discuss:
3 elements of trusting God in the midst of what could be a hard season in marriage.
Christian marriage and honoring marriage the way God desires.
Loving a difficult spouse (or you yourself being difficult) or being married to an unbeliever. 
Hard things like emotional abuse, knowing what a healthy marriage looks like.
Knowing what you're responsible for and what you’re not.
Surrendering unrealistic expectations and setting right expectations for your spouse.
Significance, security, acceptance, and peace and insecurities we all bring into marriage.
Reliving the models of marriage you witnessed growing up whether you want to or not. 
Grab your Bible and a journal and let's dig in! 
Coram Deo,Misty
Bible Verses Mentioned:
Hebrews 13:4
Hebrews 12:10-11
Resources Mentioned:
Changes that Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud
Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
The Emotionally Destructive Marriage by Leslie Vernick
Emotionally Destructive Relationships by Leslie Vernick
Boundaries in Marriage by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Reflection Questions:
What is really going on in MY heart?
Is there bitterness, anger, unforgiveness? why?
What are you expecting from your husband?
What are you expecting your homelife to look like?
What is really going on? (circumstances, just the facts)
What does the bible say about what is really going on?
Where am I not being fully honest with myself and with God?
What am I responsible for?
How might God be calling me to surrender and repentance? 
What do I feel I need to do?
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 APPLY to work with me: With Me:
Free Growth Tools:🧠 FREE Remarkable Thought Renewal Action Plan:www.myremarkablethoughts.comFree 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts :
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

Hey hey!
Today we’re tackling the important topic of anxiety from the perspective of a Christian mom who has battled depression, intrusive thoughts, worry, and most recently severe postpartum anxiety. 
Over these years, I’ve leaned into the Lord and learned to use God’s word, meditating on scripture, and self-coaching tools to navigate my mental health biblically and to help in finding rest and peace in God. 
What I share in this episode is valuable to combat feeling anxious and is sure to be a great tool for your healing journey and treating anxiety. 
In this important episode we hit on:
What does the bible say about anxiety?
How to use scripture as a powerful tool to overcome anxiety
We talk about the mind and thought life
The role of faith and the power we have even if we feel powerless. 
Things you may not realize are triggering anxiety and worry. 
14 bible verses for anxiety and depression. 
Grab your bible and a journal and let's dig in! 
Coram Deo,Misty
Scripture Passages Mentioned:
A first instance of fear in the fall – Genesis 3:9-10
Jesus addresses worrying – Matthew 6:25-34
Do not be anxious, pray/refocus – Philippians 4:6-9
Bible Verses Mentioned:
1 Peter 5:6-7
Psalm 61:2
Philippians 4:6-7
Psalm 62:8
Matthew 6:26-27
Matthew 11:28-30
Hebrews 13:5-6
Psalm 34:4
Psalm 42:5
Matthew 6:34
2 Corinthians 4:7-9
Psalm 23:1-6
Revelation 21:3-4
Psalm 107
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 APPLY to work with me as your Christian Life Coach:
Work With Me: Growth Tools:🧠 FREE Remarkable Thought Renewal Action Plan:www.myremarkablethoughts.comFree 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts :
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023

Today we’re talking all about creating a morning routine that is life-giving instead of overwhelming! 
In this episode we chat about the difference between creating a morning rhythm vs. morning routine and what it could look like in transition or hard seasons. We also discuss the importance of a morning routine that evolves as your seasons change and the key areas to consider when refreshing your morning routine. 
In this episode I share:
Simplifying your life by simplifying your mornings
Being mindful of seasons of healing trauma and emotional pain, being planted and personal growth
Habit stacking and reducing friction to incorporating healthier habits for busy moms
Identify triggers and things that may be overstimulating.
Seasons of giving yourself grace and times of growth and productivity. 
15+ Simple morning routine ideas for busy women.
Creating a morning that enables you to be the mom and wife you want to be is key and minimizing overstimulation in the first moments of your day is crucial. I include 15+ simple living tips for Christians to incorporate in the morning routine and minimalist mornings for working moms or stay at home moms. 
Life changes like having a baby, homeschooling children, losing a loved one, a baby not sleeping, a career change, and so much more will affect your routines and evolving your morning routine can help you be more intentional and productive in the midst of these changes.
This is a much requested episode so grab your journal and let's dig in! 
Coram Deo,Misty
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 FILL OUT Coaching interest form:
Take a couple of minutes, close your eyes and dream for a minute. Visualize what your perfect morning would look like. How could God and a quiet time with the Lord fit in to this?
What are the top 3 things you need right now?
Brainstorm 3 things you’d like to change about your current morning.
Brainstorm 1 thing you can add to your morning routine in this season to help you get closer to your goals.
Links Mentioned:
Work With Me:
FILL OUT Coaching interest form:
Free Growth Tools:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

In this episode, I'll be talking about the incredible tool of self-coaching and how we as believers can use it to be intentional in our quiet time, bible study, spiritual growth, personal healing, and relationship with Jesus. I show you how to use bible verses to guide us through areas of our life that God wants to grow us. Life Coaching using scripture is a powerful way to apply the bible to your life and relationships.
In this important episode I share:
A simple self-coaching and reflection exercise women can use to grow trust in God.
Using Proverbs 3:5-8 as a map to help you hear God and His leading for intentional spiritual growth as a busy mom.
How God desires to grow us in trust. 
Very specific things that can be hindering that growth. 
We discuss self- sustenance, pride, smarts/wisdom, knowledge and fear
Bible verses about trusting God and How to Use the bible for self-coaching or journaling prompts.  
Holy Spirit teaching and guiding.
This is a very practical, hands-on episode so grab a journal or notebook and something to write with and let's dig in! 
Coram Deo,Misty
👉🏻 FREE Self-Coaching through Proverbs 3:5-8 Worksheet:
Bible Verses Mentioned:
Proverbs 3:5-8
Reflection Questions:
What specific things has God put on my heart today/this week/this season?
In what ways will I choose to obey God’s leading in the specific areas He has put on my heart?
What is one small thing I can do today to pursue denying myself and trusting God?
Links Mentioned:
Work With Me:
Coaching interest form:
Free Growth Tools:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

In this important episode I share:
The three very specific areas that you can begin to evaluate for your self-care routine.
20+ self-care ideas for God-fearing women.
Boundaries 101 as believers, what they are and what they have to do with self-care as a faith-filled woman.
Addressing emotional health, mental health, spiritual growth, and physical health in light of self-care. 
Grab a notebook and something to write with and let's dig in!
Coram Deo,Misty
Reflection Questions:
In what ways can I pursue “valuing what God values” in my season in the three different areas I wrote down earlier? Physical, Mental and Spiritual….
What are some specific ideas that come to mind?
Boundaries- have lines become blurred as to what is my responsibility and what isn’t and how is that affecting self-care?
What do I need to cut out of my life or set limits to?
How am I doing at setting boundaries to protect my own health?
Links/Resources Mentioned:
Work With Me:
Know you're ready to work with me as a coach?
Coaching interest form:
Book: Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Free Growth Tools:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

In the first part of this 2 part episode, I'll be tackling the ever important topic of self-care from a biblical, Christian foundation, and I guarantee you've never heard a take on self-care like this one!
In this important episode I share:
Developing a self-care routine that honors God first.
22+ TRUTH statements about you and your value from the bible.
What self-care has to do with the call God has placed on your life. 
Answering the question, “what is my purpose?” and what bible doctrine says and what this has to do with self-care.
Avoiding selfishness as you learn to value what God values.
Identifying subconscious beliefs you may operate from that don’t line up with God’s word.
This is a beautifully full episode full of proof of God’s love for you, biblical truth and deep reflection and journaling for everyday women of faith!
Unless we have a correct view of God and what Jesus’ death on the cross means for us as Christian women, it can be easy to confuse self-care with selfishness.
I’m not necessarily talking about bubble baths and massages, but about taking care of yourself, so you can identify your purpose as a woman of God, live for Christ, walk out God’s call on your life, and pour into your family as your first ministry. 
I’ll also share foundational self-coaching work that you can do to help you grow spiritually in trusting God through your identity in Christ as a means of self-care.
Grab a notebook and something to write with and let's dig in!
Bible Verses Referenced:
Biblical Doctrine of Purpose- Psalm 16:11, Genesis 1:26, 1 Peter 4:11
What Christ’s Death Means for You - John 1:12, John 15:15, Romans 5:1, 1 Cor. 6:17, 1 Cor. 6:19-20, 1 Cor. 12:27, Eph. 1:1, Eph 1:5, Eph. 2:18, Col. 1:14, Col. 2:10, Romans 8:1-2. Romans 8:28, Romans 8:31-34, Romans 8:35-39, 2 Cor. 1:21-22, Col. 3:3, Phil. 1:6, Phil. 3:20, 2 Tim. 1:7, Heb. 4:16, 1 John 5:18, Matt. 5:13-14, John 15:1, 5, John 15:16, Acts 1:8, 1 Cor. 3:16, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, 2 Cor. 6:1, Eph. 2:6, Eph. 2:10, Eph. 3:12, Phil. 4:13
Reflection Questions:
What are my most basic beliefs about self-care and where might they have come from?
Are those beliefs true (in line with God’s word), why or why not?
Of the statements read about who I am in Christ, which ones caused an emotional response? Why do I think that is?
Why do I struggle to believe that about myself?
Coram Deo,Misty
Links Mentioned:
Work With Me:
Know you're ready to work with me as a coach?
Coaching interest form:
Free Growth Tools:
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : Remarkable Thought Renewal Action
Visit the Website: THE FREE COMMUNITY:
Email me:

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